Discovery Bible Study questions for different types of biblical literature genres

Adapting Discovery Bible Study (DBS) questions to different types of Bible literature helps participants engage more deeply with the unique themes and purposes of each genre. While the core questions remain centered on God, humanity, and application, tailoring them to fit the genre ensures better understanding and relevance. Here are suggested questions for various types of biblical literature:

1. Narrative (Genesis, Exodus, Gospels, Acts, etc.)

Narrative passages focus on God’s actions, character, and interactions with people through stories.

  1. What does this story teach us about God’s character or His plan?
  2. How does God interact with people in this story?
  3. What can we learn from the example (good or bad) of the people in this passage?
  4. How does this story show God’s faithfulness or promises?
  5. What is one way this story encourages you to trust or obey God today?

2. Law (Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, etc.)

The law reveals God’s holiness, standards, and covenant with His people.

  1. What does this passage teach us about God’s holiness and justice?
  2. What does this law reveal about how God desires us to live?
  3. How does this passage point to our need for God’s grace?
  4. What does this teach about loving and honoring God or others?
  5. How can this passage shape the way you live or relate to others this week?

3. Wisdom Literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, etc.)

Wisdom literature offers practical guidance for life, reflecting on the human condition and God’s wisdom.

  1. What does this passage teach us about God’s wisdom?
  2. How does this passage describe the best way to live?
  3. What does this teach us about trusting God in the midst of life’s challenges?
  4. How can this wisdom guide your decisions or relationships?
  5. What is one way you can apply this wisdom in your daily life?

4. Psalms and Poetry (Psalms, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, etc.)

Poetry often expresses deep emotions, worship, lament, or praise to God.

  1. What does this passage reveal about God’s character or His relationship with us?
  2. How does the writer express their trust or struggle with God?
  3. What emotions or experiences in this passage resonate with you?
  4. How can this psalm or poem shape your prayers or worship?
  5. What does this passage encourage you to praise or thank God for today?

5. Prophecy (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Minor Prophets, etc.)

Prophecy reveals God’s plans, warnings, and promises, often pointing to Christ and His kingdom.

  1. What does this passage teach us about God’s justice, mercy, or faithfulness?
  2. How does this passage show God calling His people to repentance or hope?
  3. What does this passage teach about trusting God’s promises for the future?
  4. How does this passage point to Jesus or the fulfillment of God’s plan?
  5. What is one way this message challenges or encourages you in your relationship with God?

6. Gospel Accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

The Gospels focus on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  1. What does this passage teach us about Jesus’ character or mission?
  2. How does this story show Jesus’ love, power, or wisdom?
  3. What does this passage teach us about following Jesus?
  4. What does this story reveal about how Jesus relates to people?
  5. What is one thing you can do this week to live more like Jesus?

7. Epistles (Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, etc.)

The letters of the New Testament offer teaching, encouragement, and correction for the church.

  1. What does this passage teach us about God’s grace, love, or will?
  2. How does this passage challenge us to live out our faith in practical ways?
  3. What does this passage teach us about living in community with others?
  4. How can this passage encourage or strengthen your trust in God?
  5. What is one way you can act on this teaching in your life or relationships this week?

8. Apocalyptic Literature (Daniel, Revelation)

Apocalyptic texts reveal God’s ultimate victory and sovereignty through vivid imagery and prophecy.

  1. What does this passage teach us about God’s power and control over history?
  2. How does this passage encourage us to trust in God’s ultimate plan?
  3. What does this passage reveal about God’s promises for the future?
  4. How can this passage give us hope in the face of challenges or uncertainty?
  5. What is one way you can live with greater trust in God’s sovereignty today?

Closing Questions for All Genres

  1. What is one thing you’ve learned about God from this passage?
  2. How does this passage invite you to grow in your relationship with God?
  3. What is one way you can live differently this week because of this passage?

By aligning questions with the genre, participants can better understand the Bible’s richness while deepening their relationship with God.