Discovery Bible Study (DBS) Scripture list for people from a Muslim background.

The  home page of this website,  Journey with the Prophets , introduces a series of 30 studies thoughtfully designed for Muslims. These studies focus on God’s covenant and His promised plan of salvation, which centers on a perfect sacrifice to atone for the sins of the world. This plan reveals a Messiah who is both fully God and fully human, restoring the everlasting covenant with His people in its fullness.

It aims to address the most pressing theological barrier Muslims face: How can Jesus possibly be God?


The studies are :

  1. Genesis 2-3: What is wrong with this world? - Story of Adam, sin and God's promises 
  2. Genesis 6-9:  Story of Noah - God's judgement, mercy and covenant 
  3. Genesis 12:  God chose Abraham - God's faithfulness and determination to bless mankind  
  4. Genesis 15-17: Abraham's obedience and waiting on God's promises
  5. Genesis 16, 21: Story of Ishmael - God hears our cry
  6. Genesis 22:  Abraham tested - God Himself will prepare the lamb for the sacrifice
  7. Exodus 2-11:  God calls Moses to bring His people out of slavery
  8. Exodus 12-14:  The battle against sin and disobedience - God's power in deliverance
  9. Exodus 19-20, 32-34, Numbers 21:4-9:  No one can be accepted by God through his own effort
  10. Exodus 40, Leviticus 1:  Story of Aaron - God dwells among His people and how to draw near to God
  11. Leviticus 16: How God deals with sin -  the sacrifice that God requires
  12. 1 Samuel 8, 16: Story of David - God looks straight at the heart
  13. 1 Samuel 17, 24:  David leaves his battles and vengeance to God
  14. 1 Chronicles 17, Psalm 2, 110:  One of God's most important revelations to mankind
  15. 1 Kings 18:  Story of Elijah - Exposing false religions and prophets
  16. Amos 5:  How God hates religious hypocrisy
  17. Isaiah 53:  Signs of the Anointed One from God and his suffering
  18. Jeremiah 1, 6, 31:  We say 'Peace, Peace', but there is no peace
  19. Daniel 1-3, 6: Story of Daniel -  visions from God in times of oppression and exile
  20. Daniel, 7, 9:  Dreams & Visions for the Future: The Coming of 'Son of Man'
  21. Luke 1, 3, John 1: Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
  22. John 8, Matthew 15, Luke 19: Teachings of Jesus - Sinners in God's Eyes
  23. John 6, 14:  The Only Way to God, to Forgiveness, to Paradise
  24. Matthew 16-17:  Who do YOU think Jesus is?
  25. John 13, Matthew 5, 20:   Love Your Enemies
  26. Matthew 26-27:  Jesus says, "This is My Body. This is My Blood"
  27. John 20-21:  The most radical truth - conquering sins and death
  28. Matthew 7, Mark 8, Luke 14:  Are You Ready to Surrender Everything?
  29. John 14, Acts 2:1-41, Corinthians 2:   "I Will Pour Out My Spirit," Declares the Lord
  30. Revelation 20-22:  The End Times: What do we need to know?

Focus: Why is Jesus the lamb, the son and the Word of God? God’s oneness, mercy, holiness, relational nature, and assurance of salvation through Jesus.

Here is another suggested list suitable for people coming from a Muslim background:

  1. Genesis 1:1-2:3 – God as Creator of all things.
  2. Genesis 3:1-24 – The fall of humanity and the need for redemption.
  3. Genesis 22:1-18 – Abraham’s faith and God’s provision of a substitute sacrifice.
  4. Exodus 12:1-30 – The Passover and God’s protection through the blood of the lamb.
  5. Exodus 34:5-7 – God’s mercy, justice, and forgiveness.
  6. Psalm 23:1-6 – God as the loving Shepherd who guides and cares for His people.
  7. Psalm 103:1-14 – God’s mercy and compassion toward sinners.
  8. Isaiah 53:1-12 – The suffering servant who bears the sins of others.
  9. Micah 6:6-8 – What God requires: justice, mercy, and humility before Him.
  10. Matthew 5:1-12 – The Beatitudes: the character of those who follow God.
  11. Matthew 6:5-15 – Jesus teaches about prayer and forgiveness.
  12. Matthew 9:9-13 – Jesus calls sinners and shows mercy.
  13. Luke 15:1-7 – The parable of the lost sheep and God’s joy in finding the lost.
  14. Luke 15:11-32 – The parable of the prodigal son and the Father’s forgiving heart.
  15. John 1:1-18 – Jesus as the Word, God’s revelation, and source of life.
  16. John 3:1-21 – Jesus and Nicodemus: the need for new birth and belief.
  17. John 10:1-18 – Jesus as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep.
  18. John 14:1-14 – Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
  19. John 15:1-17 – Abiding in Jesus as the source of life and fruitfulness.
  20. Acts 2:1-41 – The coming of the Holy Spirit and the call to repentance.
  21. Acts 8:26-40 – Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch: explaining Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus.
  22. Romans 3:9-26 – All have sinned, but righteousness comes through faith in Jesus.
  23. Romans 5:1-11 – Peace with God through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  24. Romans 8:1-17 – Freedom from condemnation and life in the Spirit.
  25. Ephesians 2:1-10 – Saved by grace through faith, not works.
  26. Philippians 2:5-11 – Jesus’ humility and exaltation.
  27. Hebrews 1:1-4 – Jesus as God’s ultimate revelation.
  28. Revelation 21:1-8 – The promise of a new heaven and earth.