The Discovery Bible Study Scripture list for Hindus emphasizes God as personal, Creator, and Savior, contrasting with impersonal or polytheistic beliefs. It introduces God’s holiness, love, and desire for relationship, addressing their spiritual longing for connection and transcendence. 

Passages like Genesis 1 highlight God’s creative power, while Isaiah 53 and John 14 reveal Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of sacrifice and salvation. Stories of grace, reconciliation, and hope (e.g., Luke 15, Colossians 1) demonstrate how Jesus meets their deepest spiritual and existential needs.

Focus: God as personal, Creator, and Savior, contrasted with impersonal or polytheistic views; Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment.

  1. Genesis 1:1-2:3 – God as the Creator of all things.
  2. Genesis 3:1-24 – Humanity’s separation from God and need for restoration.
  3. Genesis 22:1-18 – God provides a substitute sacrifice for Abraham.
  4. Exodus 3:1-15 – God reveals Himself as “I AM.”
  5. Exodus 20:1-21 – God’s holiness and the Ten Commandments.
  6. Psalm 19:1-14 – The heavens declare God’s glory.
  7. Psalm 103:1-14 – God’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.
  8. Isaiah 40:1-31 – God as the eternal Creator and sustainer.
  9. Isaiah 53:1-12 – The suffering servant who bears our sins.
  10. Jeremiah 31:31-34 – God promises a new covenant written on hearts.
  11. Matthew 5:1-12 – The Beatitudes and God’s kingdom values.
  12. Matthew 6:9-13 – The Lord’s Prayer, emphasizing God as Father.
  13. Matthew 11:25-30 – Jesus offers rest to the weary.
  14. Mark 1:21-28 – Jesus demonstrates authority over evil spirits.
  15. John 1:1-18 – Jesus as the eternal Word who reveals God.
  16. John 3:1-21 – Jesus explains the new birth to Nicodemus.
  17. John 4:1-26 – Jesus offers living water to the Samaritan woman.
  18. John 14:6-14 – Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life.
  19. Acts 10:1-48 – Peter and Cornelius: God’s salvation is for all nations.
  20. Acts 17:22-31 – Paul explains the one true God to the Athenians.
  21. Romans 5:1-11 – Peace with God through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  22. Romans 8:1-17 – Life in the Spirit as children of God.
  23. 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 – There is one God and one Lord, Jesus Christ.
  24. Philippians 2:1-11 – Jesus’ humility and exaltation.
  25. Colossians 1:15-23 – Jesus as Creator, sustainer, and reconciler.
  26. Hebrews 1:1-4 – Jesus as God’s final and ultimate revelation.
  27. 1 Peter 1:3-9 – A living hope through Jesus’ resurrection.
  28. Revelation 21:1-8 – The promise of a new heaven and earth with God.